Missions Group

We appreciate that the congregation of Westside finds value in mission outreach, and we consider it a part of our christian responsibility to provide mission outreach as we are able, in whatever areas that we can reach.

The Missions Group works to help support a number of different charities, allowing Westside to be involved in a mission outreach that combines local needs and organizations, as well as serving needs across the country, and around the world.

We provide support to some organizations that serve our local community:

For a wider outreach, we support World Vision, supporting their relief efforts in many locations, as well as providing funds to support our sponsor child, Geomaira Estef, in Ecuador.

For a similar outreach, we also provide some support to the Ontario Christian Gleaners.

In addition to these organizations, we combine our efforts with the Presbyterian Church in Canada and their mission branch, the Presbyterian World Service and Development ( PWS&D). With this association, we are able to support mission efforts across Canada and around the world. Through PWS&D and their international partners, we are able to assist with worldwide emergency relief efforts, such as the refugees fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine or the emergency relief needed in the Middle East following the devastating earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. Emergency relief efforts are always needed; through PWS&D and their partners, aid can move more quickly to where it is most needed.